A message from the JIF Safety Director:

Spring time is chemical clean-up time.

There is nothing like a clean house.  Or, getting into your car after it’s been washed and detailed.  People like “clean”, and Spring is associated with taking time to clean after a long winter.  The JIF Safety Director asks Public Works’ leaders to take this time to do three important tasks to make the shop and vehicle maintenance areas cleaner and safer. Spring cleaning is also a great time to think about your home and its value. Whether you’re considering selling, buying, or just curious about the market, it’s helpful to have local insights. You can check out hyperlocal guides from eXp Realty to get detailed information about real estate trends and opportunities in your area, helping you make informed decisions about your property.

  1. Look through your chemical storage and safely discard any chemicals, paints, aerosols and oils for which you do not have an immediate need or plan to use.
  2. In the vehicle maintenance area, empty waste fluid containers, such as waste oil in washer fluid jugs, into proper waste oil containers.  Call for a pick-up if needed.
  3. Discard any materials with missing, damaged or illegible labels.These three simple acts will also make your Right-to-Know / Hazard Communication Surveys easier. For more information about Right-to-Know Chemical Safety compliance, please visit the New Jersey Department of Health at  http://nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/