Palmyra Borough: February 2016

Wear Red Day & Random Acts of Kindness

The tree is a Random Act of Kindness tree that we are collecting “acts of kindness”  throughout our office and hopefully our schools and businesses will want to add “leaves”.   The new leaves are taped onto the strings hanging and with any luck by end of the month we will have a full tree.  If someone sees an act of kindness they let us know and we write out a leaf.  Residents or employees.  For example, we hung one for our mailman because he went above his duties and helped an elderly woman get stamps when she couldn’t get out and also one to a resident who brought in their neighbors payment for them. I also started a “Hug in a Mug” between the office employees to make them feel nice.  It is a secret exchange of a mug filled with goodies.  Once you receive a mug you must put a sign on your desk that you have been “Mugged” and fill it (or another) and secretly pass it on until we are all hugged with a mug.

   Palmyra Group Shot  Palmyra Go Red Dress  Palmyra Go Red Table

 Hug in a  MugPalmyra Random Acts of Kindness Hug in a Mug


Random Acts of Kindness TreePalmyra Tree of Kindness